AKU Examination Board and Knowledge Platform to Provide Free Online Examination Preparation Solution for all SSC and HSSC Students Across Pakistan

The COVID-19 pandemic challenged the educational sector with regards to the continuity and effectiveness of teaching and learning for examination preparation. The Aga Khan University Examination Board (AKU-EB) was further concerned about the impact of this pandemic on studentsanxiety and their examination performance. AKU-EB took an immediate step towards addressing the issues by collaborating with Knowledge Platform (KP), a leading ed-tech organization in Pakistan, to allow students from the remote regions of Pakistan access to online teaching and learning. In addition, AKU-EB provided online training to all AKU-EB affiliated teachers through webinar series benefitting more than 4,500 teachers across Pakistan.  
To improve students’ performance, the Aga Khan University Examination Board and Knowledge Platform have launched free online examination preparation opportunity for SSC and HSSC students across Pakistan, including students who are not affiliated with the AKU-EBThe aim is to minimise students’ anxiety and contributto their preparation for the annual July 2021 examinations 
Students from across the country may take advantage of the programme’s key features such as preparing for Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics with two tests of 20 questions each per grade per subject One of the key features of the system is immediately available report card with topic level feedback for each student.  
The online examination preparation is free of cost and available for one monthStudents may directly register here:https://akueb.knowledgeplatform.com/AKUEB. 
For institutional details, please visit AKU-EB and www.knowledgeplatform.com.pk.
For additional details and partnerships, please contact:
Omer Iqbal, Chief Operating Officer, Knowledge Platform, at oiqbal@knowledgeplatform.com


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